
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Community Service and Creativity


About a couple of months back, my younger brother started taking drumming lessons. Drumming is a skill that has always impressed me. When he was younger my uncle almost became a professional drummer and i was always impressed by his drumming. When my brother started taking drumming classes he began to improve and by the end of the first month he was part of the school choir that performed in front of the whole school. My involvement with music has always been minimal, i do not think that i am the musical type. Last year i vowed to learn how to play the guitar as part of my aims for 2011, i did not fully achieve that aim. With drumming however i took an immediate liking to the skill. As we rented a small practice drum set for my brother at home, i began to play it for fun and i had a great deal of fun drumming. I started out by asking my brother to show me a few simple beats and then looked up videos on YouTube to learn new things. Drumming really is a great way of releasing tension and also one of the most vital components of a song, especially in rock and jazz as it dictates the rhythm and the beat. My first few weeks drumming were extremely frustrating as it requires patience and lots of practice to get it right. Drumming is an art where hand-eye-foot co-ordination is very important. The first few weeks were spent in desperation trying to get my arms and legs to move at a different pace. It made me appreciate the art form, as it is not easy to drum. On the surface one might think drumming consists of only flailing your arms and hitting the drum with sticks, however once you try it you realize how much focus and determination it requires.

Drumming is a new skill for me and it is the first time that i really feel connected to music. It is a skill that does not just develop overnight although if you are a natural drummer it is probably easier. It does not come to me naturally as I fail to do things my brother succeeds at in the first attempt, however i aim to persevere and develop this skill slowly. Already i can keep a few simple beats and there is nothing more joyful then that sensation that you are playing an instrument right.

Cleft Lip and Palate

Recently, on visiting the hospital where babies with the Cleft Lip and Palate disease are being treated, we met up with Dr Romesh Gunasekra who advised us on the actions to be taken in regards to our community service program. He told us that the action we should be taking is to raise awareness about this issue of global importance. We also received a document that contained some general information about the disease and the efforts that were being made in Sri Lanka to combat it. The task was too create a brochure that could be distributed to companies. 

A slide from the power-point

However I showed initiative and suggested something visual that would be more effective: a power-point. I set about making this power-point using the information provided by the doctor. I really hope it helps raise greater awareness and more people donate towards the cause.

Scuba Diving

On February 18th I undertook a discover-scuba session at school led by the instructor Mr. Jurgen Hannak. Scuba diving is a completely new skill for me as i have never been underwater for more than 30 seconds. Scuba diving also fascinates me as it allows us to get a closer view of the aquatic habitat. I first received a short 30 minute lecture on the various precautionary measures while scuba diving as well as some instructions on what to do to use the scuba gear. I also learnt a few signs that are used under water to communicate. Afterwards i spent 45 minutes underwater in the deep end of the OSC pool. This was the longest amount of time that I have been underwater and it was quite an amazing experience. Scuba diving has really interested me and this summer I plan to persevere with it and get a full Scuba Diving licence that involves a month of diving and practicing.

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