
Friday, November 26, 2010


I signed up and took part in recycling every Thursday. The aim of recycling is to make sure that the paper that is not used in classrooms is collected and brought to the recycling depot so that it is not wasted. We created and decorated many recycling boxes that we placed in classrooms that did not already have recycling boxes. Of-course 50 % of the paper is wasted anyway because people just chuck it into the waste basket, but our job is to spread some awareness for recycling at- least. One particular person, the primary principle, never seemed to have recycling paper in his basket. After a long letter threatening to turn the recycling community against him, he finally left one piece of blue A-4 paper in the basket for us to collect!!!

Every Thursday we went in groups to every classroom in the school collecting the recycle material. The recycling material would then be taken to the recycling room in our school and put into big blue trash cans. Those in turn would be transported to the recycling depot. I visited the recycling depot one Thursday. It is a small place near our school that collects cardboard and paper paying a small amount for them. This is the type of place that has a small face value, but its service to the community is huge.

Recycling every Thursday really helps me feel like I am doing something useful. It makes me feel as if I am putting something back into the community, also I am helping the environment in my own way by recycling. In the end it is the contribution of every individual that make a big difference.

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